CategoryProcess of the Image

How Bad Do You Have To Be, In Order To Be Considered Good?


From my observations — I’d have to say, you’d have to be pretty bad. But honestly, who reads lyrics anymore, or cares about what the artist has to say? Not many people; because honestly, the artist isn’t caring too much about what they’re saying…they will do whatever to sell their singles. Who could blame them? If all you had going on in your life was...

Thanks To You, We’ve Gotten Nowhere


What’s the point of a music Myspace asking who you’re signed to? Is there such a thing as having a record deal anymore, or getting signed? Not really. If you’re a rising artist who is hoping for that one chance to be heard by a random audience member, that happens to manage a huge record company, you better wake up from that dream and face the nightmare entitled: the truth. If...

