ArchiveFebruary 2017

Mercedes Money | First Sold Car


I sold my first car today. Joe considered this customer to be a “lapper.” She treated our lot like a maze, the way she strutted between the rows of sedans, stopped at every third car before turning back or pivoting to the next aisle of inventory. Her name was Julie Ballenger and she was a returning customer. She had previously worked with Jesse J, who she remembered having Bat Man branded gauges...

Mercedes Money | Excerpt from Newest Chapter


Kelly and I spent the rest of the night talking about Scarlett. Despite how breathtaking Scarlett looks, how she fulfills every man and woman’s desire, talking about her with Kelly repelled all sexual tension. I think the worst part was showing Kelly pictures of Scarlett on the Benz & Beamers website. She lost all the color in her face; her green eyes almost turned to dirt. It reminded me of...

