ArchiveDecember 2011

Middle Page: Psych Notebook


11/1   3:24… Shit. 3:26… Why won’t you text me back? 3:29… You’re such a bitch. Fuck. Stop…stop playing with me. I thought, for once, it’d be so easy. So, so easy to be friends with you. I fucking trusted you. What is this? I hate telling you things because now I fear that you told everyone. You knew from day one that you can trust me. Tell me...

Happy New Year!


Readers & Followers:   2011 was a wonderful year for me. I experienced a lot of milestones in this past year that I am very grateful for. 2011 was the year that I was accepted into my first choice college, wrote and produced my very own play, received news of publication, contributed in choosing the winner of NH Film Festival’s screenwriting contest, got my very own car, celebrated...

