CategoryFreshmen Year

15 Minute Break


You turn to her to whisper like I can’t hear you. I didn’t sit near you two to be ignored. Don’t you know that the air slingshots your secrets to me, adding something sour to the aura of the room? I don’t mean to be narcissistic, but when you stare at me and then turn to her, I can’t help but wonder. My watch’s thin tail ticks in between each snicker. The tail...

First Page: Math Notebook


1/12 We barely spoke all break. I don’t even know your schedule this semester. You texted me the other night asking for mine; you didn’t text back yours. I guess I’ll just see you when I see you. No planned meals or study groups. That’s cool. Before break, I saw you at finals. Our English final. I was two table behind you. I know you saw me; you stood up, pushed in your...

