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Last Page: Psychology Paper


10/3 You play us like cards. He’s a King of Spades; I’m a Queen of Hearts. You draw a heart on my blue back in red permanent marker and slip me in your pocket. Pinching the King between your pointer and thumb, you bend the card along his neck – back and forth – until it tears. You like me in your pocket, don’t you? I’m so close in reach. Whether he’s...

Back Cover: Humanities Notebook


9/16 I knew it wouldn’t be long until everyone was sick of your shit. Look around. Everyone has left. I left and all your other minions are dangling by only a thread. A thread you tied around their ankles as they hung upside down, hoping that the blood rushed slowly to their heads. No discomfort in that. They’ll be wishing that the blood were rushing to their ears, numbing your sound...

