
The Beginning, The Middle, The (Let’s Not Talk About The End)


A few days ago, I finished watching Netflix’s newest miniseries 13 Reasons Why, based on the book written by Jay Asher, and it has left me pondering. Because the story ends on a cliffhanger, I am left with so many questions. But I am also wondering something else: Why is 13 Reasons Why such a sensitive subject? For centuries, there’s been stories told about characters who deal with depression and...

To Write About You, To Not Write About You; It’s None of Your Business


One of the best things about writing is overhearing a fellow reader rave about how realistic my characters are; how the reader feels like they know the protagonist or how they wish to be the protagonist. Although hearing these comments can be the biggest ego boost, this kind of comment can provoke a different feeling too. In contrary, one of the worst things about writing is hearing: Is that...

