In a matter of a few hours, it’ll be the New Year. It’s mind boggling to me because it feels like 2018 just started a couple months ago. Similar to most years, I plan out big milestones to conquer. Some of them I crushed within the first six months and others fell by the wayside. 2018 consisted of a lot of surprises for me. I didn’t think this would be the year my husband and I adopted an English Bulldog or started renovations in our home. I also didn’t think this would be the year I’d devote a lot of time to self-reflect and come to terms with past experiences. During that time I dealt with a lot anger, self-doubt and other feelings I’m not used to managing on a regular basis.
I’m not here to make light of the year – whether it’s about a triumph or tribulation – we all have our good or bad days. What’s important is to not let the harder times define the year as a whole.
Like any other year, I am approaching 2019 with the same strategy. I’ve mapped out daily, weekly and monthly goals to complete. These goals are written down on a whiteboard in my office at home. I also have them saved to my phone and my laptop. No matter how small or big a goal is, I never think a day should go by without acknowledging the steps that must be taken and applying even the smallest action forward.
Nonetheless, I’ve proposed to Dahv Up when it comes to tackling these milestones. I am not going to ‘man up’ or even ‘woman up.’ That’s too generalized for me. At the end of the day, we take actions for ourselves. This is a quirky concept I came up with when I was recently struggling with something. I didn’t expect myself to man or woman up. I have my own personal standards for myself when it comes to dealing with the best days or the absolute worst days. Dahv Up doesn’t necessarily mean I repress all emotion or take the blame when I don’t need to. Dahv Up means I take control of the situation the best that I can in that specific moment. It means I will strive for what I believe is to be the best for me while not shying away from the inevitable consequences to come.
At the end of the day, you need to hold yourself accountable. It’s about what you want, need and crave for. So do not man or woman up – simply (Insert Your Name Here) Up. Because who are you really putting in the work for day in and day out? YOU. Doing what’s best for you is not selfish. It’s healthy. It’s necessary. Whatever you may have planned for 2019, promise me, you never lose sight of the most important person in your life.
Happy New Year!