

As most of you know, I am finishing up Caramel Cigarettes.

I just passed the 90 page mark and am reaching page 100 quicker than I thought possible.

With that being said, I will no longer be posting additions of the story. I apologize for leaving you all with such a big cliff hanger. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

While I am finishing Caramel Cigarettes, I will be working on other pieces I’ve left on the side.

Once I have completed this story (edited and polished it) I will be uploading it to Amazon as a book for Kindle. If you do not own a Kindle, there are applications you can download on your Mac or PC. When that time comes, I will post instructions and so on.

Now, if you are already dreading the ending of Nicky, Kelly and Jacqueline, do not fear! I don’t think I will write a sequel, but I will post scenes and chapters that did not make it into this particular edition.

If you read the finished piece and want a sequel, let me know. I’ll see what I can do!

Thanks again for those who are reading. It means a lot! I will updating my blog soon with other works and eventually news about Caramel Cigarettes.

– Dahv

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