Have Fun In The Car

Hello, all!
I am roughly 30 pages into my new play. As of now, I am contemplating the big twist and drafting out some potential titles (and no, I am not calling the piece “swag”). The piece is about 25% swag. One of the lead characters, Michaela “Kay,” is full of swag, but I don’t think I am a fair judge of that! I hope to finish this project in the next couple weeks. I will probably upload a first draft and then put up the final once I have taken the time to edit it. This piece is for fun and hopefully something a lot of my friends will enjoy and be able to relate to. But I also hope other readers will find some fun in it as well.
Tonight I have my second shift at Old Navy. I’m not exactly sure what my position is tonight. On my schedule it says I’m going to be one the sales floor, but that may change. If I am on register, I’m going to be a wreck! On Sunday I had almost ten customers come to my register to return items – and that was just the first day (I was still being trained!). So wish me luck with that. I am also staying until the store closes tonight. I’ll keep you guys updated on how Old Navy transitions when the doors are locked.
– Dahv

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