So as of now, I am writing a play about “swag.”
Can anyone give me a legitimate definition of this word?
I am being serious.
– Dahv
So as of now, I am writing a play about “swag.”
Can anyone give me a legitimate definition of this word?
I am being serious.
– Dahv
Daaaahvv… I think you should ask Devin seeing as how his ‘swag’ is quite….unique, shall we say? 🙂
Daaaaahv came out Daaaahw… I’m so glad. -__-
It will probably involve a lot of different characters based off of real people; scenes based off of real conversations. I’m working on it right now 🙂
Swag: an abstract idea that is used when someone has a particular style that can only be described as “swagger” or “swag.”
I’ll keep that in mind, sista 😉